Growing up in Japan, I am pretty familiar with Hayao Miyazaki’s anime films. So many Japanese and people around the world are the fans of his films. Still, some of you have never watched or known any of his movies. That’s totally fine because there are so many good movies I don’t know their existences of or have not watched yet. Nevertheless, I really hate some children are missing these fun and loving Miyazaki’s films. Parents and grandparents, please consider these movies I recommend below for…
It's a Christmas tradition in geek culture as ingrained as Magic: the Gathering booster pack stocking stuffers: making fun of the Star Wars Holiday Special. And well we should: It has definitely not aged well, to damn it the faintest. Reviewing it is a guaranteed hit on YouTube, so every major reviewer has a shot at it. Let's get a few out of the way: The Nostalgia Critic has the funniest review, hands-down: The Cinema Snob has a great runner-up: Dark Corners has a shorter, sweeter review: Even…
Score: 1.19
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