A hub page is a website that provides an opportunity for freelance writers to write for them in return for few bucks. As of my personal experience, it is not going to worth your time. A lot of people have tried this but it is too much difficult to meet their requirements and their objections are very irritating. They may not cooperate with you as they should. So, it is my general advice not to invest your time on Hub pages. It is a very difficult task to get your article featured on Hub pages but afterward, even if that article gets featured, you are not going to earn because I have seen many featured articles drawing no traffic. You have to work on the consistent basis if you really want success on hub pages. You may face many hardships for they may never accept your article. There are few people out there who claim that they have earned thousands of bucks in a year. But, I bet that you are not going to be one of them. Do not risk your time on Hub Pages. They give you score on the…
Score: 1.59
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