We all want the good life. We want to succeed in what we do and reap the financial rewards to ensure a comfortable lifestyle that practically eliminates the worries that come with not having enough money. Suppose you make it, and after a long and arduous journey, you get everything that you decided to get. You now have a stable financial income, the bank account is nice and fat, the future is looking bright. Do you really stop there? The reality of it is that most people who have made their…
What happens to competent people when they get everything that they set out to get? That far-away goal has been reached, the obstacles have been bested; everything that needed to be done is now a thing of the past. As the healthy human beings that they are, they seek new challenges, something bigger, better, more thrilling to master. Afterwards, they do something even harder and more rewarding, always pushing the limits and being hungry for success. After clearly proving their worth in front of…
is the keyword for the 21st-century economy. There is no
such thing as a stable corporate empire now. If you need a perfect definition of "nouveau riche," look no further than Crypto
Castle, and the preening Jeremy Gardner, the poster child for the
cryptocurrency millennium millionaire. Before you cheer too loudly
for the fresh face of a new generation, remember that forty years
ago, Boomers were a bunch of hippies having love-ins in Central Park.
What's this guy going to be…
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