What happens to competent people when they get everything that they set out to get? That far-away goal has been reached, the obstacles have been bested; everything that needed to be done is now a thing of the past. As the healthy human beings that they are, they seek new challenges, something bigger, better, more thrilling to master. Afterwards, they do something even harder and more rewarding, always pushing the limits and being hungry for success. After clearly proving their worth in front of their peers and cementing their place in society as high achievers, why do they keep pushing on? They already have everything that they need but that doesn’t seem to satisfy them. In fact, some of them are never truly satiated and keep pursuing increasingly more difficult goals while being seemingly oblivious to the latest success; they are already chasing the next one, without any intention to stop and smell the proverbial roses. Are those individuals really positive examples to follow or are they neurotic byproducts of an over-competitive society? The hunter instinct is strong within those people. They see something that they want and single-mindedly go for it. The “hunt” for the object of desire consumes their attention and doesn’t let up until the completion of the project. The subsequent return to reality, with all its boring characteristics, when compared to an adrenaline-inducing pursuit, is heavy on the psyche of the high achiever. He/She decides to go on the next quest as an escape from the mundane and all its tropes, unknowingly (at first anyway) becoming addicted to the mental state and seeking it, rather than the activity itself. The lack of an engaging activity is the Kryptonite of active people and brings about a state of lethargy that, to them, feels like nails scratching on a chalkboard. These guys get addicted to doing stuff. They don’t pursue an idea as a person trying to get better at what they do. After a while, they pursue a goal like a junkie trying to get his next fix. Just like in the world of drugs, the sensitivity to stimulants decreases with each use, so, in time, they have to do more of whatever, just to get the feeling of that perfect high. Referring to those who are making a lot of money, when are they rich enough? When they can buy a mansion or two, a yacht, a jet, a high-rise building, an island, an entire nation? No amount is enough for them and each extra million carries with it a longing for two more. A blazing need for more comes into existence. The high achiever tries to quell it with money, unaware that he only adds fuel to the flames that consume him. Eventually, in the mind of the person obsessed with money, everything appears in its monetary value form and can be quantified, bought and sold, like a real-life game of monopoly, only played with the destinies of many. Sometimes, the complete disregard for human worth can be traced back to the psyche of the person who has lost the capacity to see humans as individuals, and instead to regard them as livestock. The reason for all this is the addiction to the mental high that now needs extreme outside stimulation to be intense. What is the point, I ask from a regular guy perspective, when the pursuit for money is no longer about securing one’s future, but instead becomes an Ego trip, makes one think he is no longer a member of regular society, but a monetary transcendental being, soaring above in the higher strata? This disassociation from regular people is what allows some individuals to commit terrible atrocities and then justify them in various forms, without batting an eyelash. What scares me is that such behavior is accepted and even encouraged in its early stages. The movie story of the self-made millionaire is alive and well in the consciousness of many and usually ends with the hero riding into the sunset. The question is, what does the hero do after that? Does he settle down, or does he go for a sequel? The modern man lives in a competitive world that hooks people with the promise of the dream life. “Work hard and all of your dreams will come true!” So, in pursuit of this elusive goal, competent individuals start on the tough path, the road less traveled, the one meant for those who want to reach the top. They try and fail, then try again, hit the dirt, get up, suck it up, and move forward. Those are the go-getters, the men and women who don’t shy away from the hardships, who have a real resolve and stick with it, come hell or high water. They make their dreams a reality and stand as proud examples for us to follow. Right???