At the end of 2018, the South Korean Navy destroyer Gwanggaeto the Great (KDX-I) irradiated the Japanese maritime SDF patrol aircraft (P-1) with a fire control radar (FC radar) within the Japanese EEZ of the Sea of Japan.
South Korean government has denied the radar irradiation, and never proposed any preventive measure even though the Japanese government has asked for from the beginning of this incident.
Why there is no productive cooperation between Japan and South Korean governments?
I think there are two reasons.
- Strong anti-Japanese sentiment in South Korea prevents the South Korean government from admitting the wrongdoing and apologizing to Japan.
- South Korea signals China that it is strengthening the confrontational attitude against Japan.
Most Americans seem to think that it is only "Japan-Korea issue." However, a functional alliance between Japan and South Korea is also very important for the US.
A similar incident happened before. Chinese People's Liberation Army’s frigate ship “Lianyungang” irradiated a fire control radar towards Japanese maritime SDF's “Yuudachi” on January 30, 2013. China is watching how the US responses to the incident.
I will summarize this radar radiation incident in by chronological order, and discuss these two points. I also discuss the danger of justifying the current wrongdoing by bringing in the past - I call it "adverse logic".
Story of the Incident
The outbreak of Fire-Control Radar Lock-On Incident
At the press conference on December 21, the Japanese Minister of Defense Takeshi Iwaya told that the Japan Self Defense Force P-1 patrol aircraft received irradiation of a fire control radar from South Korean destroyer Gwanggaeto the Great within Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone.
He stated “Locking on the fire-controlling radar is a critically dangerous act that could lead to unforeseen circumstances," and "It is regrettable that the incident like this occurred."
While Japan requested an explanation for the radar irradiation, South Korea denied the radiation and disregarded the danger of it.
🇯🇵: Irradiation of fire control radar is a seriously dangerous act. Please explain why the South Korean side took such action. We need a measure to prevent such an incident.
🇰🇷: We were under normal operation, and we did not use the radar in the purpose of tracking the Japanese aircraft. You should not complain about our actions.
Jiji Press. In Japanese 韓国艦、海自機にレーダー照射=無通告、岩屋防衛相が非難-「通常作戦中」と反論[South Korea locks fire-control radar on Japanese SDF aircraft without a prior notice, Iwaya Minister of Defense points out the wrongdoing of South Korea which says “under normal operation” in response]. December 21, 2018.
Japan Ministry of Defense. In English Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. December 22, 2018.
Korean says a North Korean Ship was in Distress, a Poor Excuse
(Gwanggaeto the Great destroyers on wikipedia)
The day after the press conference by the Japanese Ministry of Defense, South Korea announced that Gwanggaeto irradiated the radar to search a North Korean ship in distress.
🇰🇷 We operated navigation radar, shooting control radar (MW-08), and fire control radar (STIR-180) for searching North Korean shipwreck. The shooting control radar (MW-08) was the anti-ship mode, but no not the anti-aircraft.
🇯🇵 The fire control radar (STIR-180) is not for searching distress ship. The use of the fire control radar (FC radar, STIR-180) violates CUES (Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea) which specifies the irradiation of the fire control radar as "action to refrain" when an airplane flies near. South Korea has agreed to CUES, right?
🇰🇷 The South Korean destroyer was doing humanitarian relief activities to help a North Korean ship, but it was disturbed by the Japanese SDF aircraft. We used the optical camera (which is attached to the fire control radar) for monitoring the Japanese SDF aircraft. However, our military did not irradiate the radar.
🇯🇵 We have confirmed that the FC radar irradiation continued for an extended period with multiple times. The radiation cannot be considered coincidental.
🇰🇷 The Japanese aircraft flew at an unusually low altitude to threaten us!
🇯🇵 The patrol aircraft was flying at a sufficient altitude and distance. It did not take any action to threat. What was the reason for the South Korean Navy to not respond to inquiries from the Japan patrol aircraft?
🇰🇷 It was ... the noise was so bad that we could not understand it.
🇯🇵 We called three times in English on three different lines including emergency frequencies, but what’s your reason for not responding?
🇰🇷 We thought you were calling the security rescue ship "Korea coast."
🇯🇵 So you heard our inquiries. What was the reason for you to not check anything with us?
According to the MOD’s final statement regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft(Provisional Translation), Upon careful and meticulous analysis of the frequency, intensity, waveform, etc. of the radar waves directed at the P-1 aircraft, it has been confirmed that the P-1 aircraft was continuously irradiated for a certain period, multiple times by the fire-control radar(STIR-180) of the South Korean destroyer. The same radar is not installed in the Korean patrol-and-rescue ship located in the vicinity.
South Korea said that the destroyer used the shooting control radar (MW-08) in the anti-ship mode and also the fire control radar (FC radar, STIR-180) to explore the North Korean ship.
However, the videos released by Japanese Defense Agency and Korean Military itself later show that the view was very clear on the day and the North Korean fishing boat was drifting within a visible distance near the destroyer.
So why they used the radars to search for the North Korean fishing boat?
South Korea told that the destroyer directed the optical camera, which attached to FC radar, to the Japanese patrol aircraft, but did not use FC radar.
Later, South Korea changed its explanation so that the destroyer was only using a search radar, and made the names of radar types ambiguous in its official video released.
The South Korean’s excuse for not replying to the inquiries by the Japanese patrol plan was pathetic.
A snapshot from the movie released on December 28, 2018, by the Japanese Ministry of Defense (see below). This is a scene of the incident when the Japanese aircraft first captured the irradiation of the fire control radar. The front is the South Korean patrol-and-rescue ship Sam Bong, and the back is the destroyer Gwanggaeto the Great. Japan already knew that the visibility was good, the weather was sunny, waves were not high, and a North Korean fishing boat was near the rescue ship. Regardless, South Korean side claimed that the destroyer was using all the radars to search the North Korean vessel at that time. After the South Korean had been pointed out of the violation of CUES by the Japanese Defense Agency, South Korean side started to claim its use of search radar only.
Japanese and South Korean representatives held a meeting to avoid muddling on December 27, 2018.
Japan intended to put an end to this incident if the Korean side apologized even unofficially, but unfortunately, it did not end so.
At the meeting, the Japanese told that it held the FC radar irradiation data based on the frequency characteristics and proposed to exchange frequency characteristic data to investigate the incident.
However, South Korean refused Japan’s proposal.
The dialogue ended in parallel.
- Yonhap News Agency. In Japanese 日本哨戒機接近し撮影用光学カメラ稼働 ビーム放射はせず=韓国軍 [South Korean navy uses the camera in response to threatening flight of Japanese aircraft, no radar used]. December 23rd, 2018. archive
- Korean Joongang Daily. In Japanese 韓国軍「日本哨戒機に追跡目的レーダー運用せず」[South Korean Navy does not operate FC radar on Japanese aircraft]. December 24, 2018. archive
- Japanese Ministry of Defense. In English Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. December 22, 2018.
- Japanese Ministry of Defense. In English Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. December 25, 2018.
- AbemaTV. In Japanese レーダー照射問題、元駐日韓国大使館公使「韓国軍は正常に反応したいのに、青瓦台がそれを許さない」[radar irradiation incident, Former minister of South Korean embassy in Japan says “Korean military wants to respond with reason is stopped by the top government ”], January 14, 2019. archive
Movie Released by the Japanese Ministry of Defense Demonstrates the Radar Lock-On
Japan released the video recorded from the P-1 patrol aircraft on December 28, 2018.
🇯🇵 Please examine the video, and you understand that The P-1 patrol aircraft received the FC radar from the destroyer of South Korea.
🇰🇷 The video cannot be the evidence without disclosing the captured radar waveform information. It is a big mistake if you think you can cheat us with this kind of video.
🇯🇵 We do not know why military professionals of our allied country do not accept the significance of this video’s information. You request disclosing the Japanese military secret to the public but reject to exchange the secret information between us for the investigation. We will fail in trust, won’t we?
Japan tried to convey South Korea that the P-1 patrol aircraft received the FC radar from the destroyer of South Korea.
The video also clarified
- The South Korean destroyer - Gwanggaeto the Great was not searching for a North Korean fishing boat in the first place. The North Korean vessel was already at a visible distance.
- Not only the South Korean destroyer, but the South Korean maritime police guard rescue ship Sam Bong was at the site.
- The visibility was clear, and the wavers were low on that day
- The Japanese SDF patrol aircraft was conducting normal patrol activities.
- The Japanese SDF patrol aircraft did not take threatening flight including low-altitude flight.
- After receiving FC radar irradiation, the SDF patrol aircraft evacuated to ensure safety.
- The SDF patrol aircraft inquired the reason of irradiation to the South Korean destroyer, using three lines including emergency frequency, but no response from the South Korean destroyer.
- The SDF patrol aircraft clews confirmed no information on WARS (distress rescue ship) related to the South Korean destroyer or the South Korean maritime patrol-and-rescue ship.
- Neither the South Korean destroyer nor the patrol-and-rescue ship had its national flag on display.
Crew: At the center of the screen, we are recording WARS
A snapshot from the video released by the Japanese Defense Agency. The North Korean fishing boat is drifting near South Korean rescue Sam Bong. Also, the weather is good, and the waves are low. South Korean cannot reasonably convince that its destroyer was searching the North Korean fishing boat using all its radars.
Crew: The sound is so loud (the radio filed intensity is terribly strong)
Crew: Checking the auxiliary (a device that enables the hearing of detected radio waves).
Crew: Remember this sound.
Snapshots of the video released by the Japanese Defense Agency. By showing the circumstance that the waveform and impulsive sound were collected completely by Japan side, Japan tells to the South Korea side that Japan has Korea’s radar waveform information. In response, South Korea demands Japan to release the waveform information so that the “third party” can check it to judge the alleged irradiation. This demand implies that it does not matter to South Korea whether Japan knows the information or not.
In response to this video release, South Korea insists that the video cannot be evidence of FC radar irradiation unless Japan releases the recorded wavelength of the radar to the public.
However, the wavelength information is a strict military secret, and it is not a matter to be public.
- First, Japan shows the situation it captured the radar wave information
- Korea learns that Japan gathered and has the information.
- Korea also knows it is difficult for Japan, or any military, to release the captured radar waveform information for security reasons.
- Korea claims that the situational video cannot be evidence unless the radar waveform information is released.
It is as if South Korea declared that it’s no longer an ally of Japan.
It does not want to investigate the incident through a trusting relationship with Japan but wants to justify its no wrongdoing to a third party.
Does South Korea think to continue the relationship with Japan as it was, as long as the third party says no fault of it?
Japanese patrol airplane used VHF emergency frequency (121.5 MHz), international VHF (156.8 MHz), and UHF emergency frequency (243.0 MHz) to ask the purpose of radar irradiation, but there was no response from the South Korean destroyer.
Image from the video released by the Japanese Defense Agency. VHF emergency frequency (121.5 MHz), international VHF (156.8 MHz), and UHF emergency frequency (243.0 MHz) are utilized by Japan to communicate and ask the purpose of radar irradiation to South Korea, but there is no response from Korean ship. It seems to depict the end of the Japan - South Korea General Security of Military Information Agreement.
- Korean Joongang Daily. In Japanese 韓国国防部、日本の映像公開に「客観的な証拠とはみられない」[South Korean Defense says “no objective evidence” in Japanese video footage], December 28th, 2018. archive
Korea demands Apology, Showing Arrogance
On January 4, South Korea released its "original" video footage and demanded an apology from Japan for an alleged threateningly low-altitude flight.
🇰🇷 Japan should stop distorting the fact and should apologize to South Korea for the dangerous flight of the patrol aircraft.
🇯🇵 ... (In speechless wonder for a while). How come most of the South Korean “original ”video uses the video released by Japan? Of 4 minutes and 26 seconds, only 10 seconds was recorded by the South Korean side. We cannot hide our shock that South Korea used a collage image of our aircraft. The video’s brave BGM is harmful as a proof video. We are clueless about why South Korea shows its lack of objectivity and truthfulness by itself.
🇰🇷 The crews of the destroyer were threatened by the dangerous flight of the Japanese patrol aircraft. South Korea was threatened and Japan needs to apology!
🇯🇵 Our Maritime SDF recorded the same South Korean destroyer Gwanggaeto the Great three times with similar flight path (April 27, April 28, and August 23) recently, but we never received such problem claim from South Korea. If this time was threatening, please present objective evidence.
🇰🇷 If one feels it as a threat, it is a threat!
🇯🇵 Do not you know such thought will not be evidence?
South Korea releases its “original” video on January 4.
Its title is "Urging Japan to Apologize for Patrol Operations in the Rescue Operations Area" while the title of the Japanese video is "Regarding the incident of ROK naval vessel directing its FC radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft."
We can find the sharp contrast between Japan trying to solve the case based on objective facts and South Korea falling in the propaganda.
Through the video, South Korea urged Japan to apologize for interfering with the humanitarian rescue operation, and to cease distorting the truth.
It is a mystery how come South Korea is showing its arrogant attitudes so openly.
Strangely, most of South Korea's video is edited copy from the video released by Japan, and surprisingly manipulated.
Please check out the video “Two lies of South Korea's rebuttal video.”
By releasing the video, South argues the followings to the world.
- Why did the Japanese patrol aircraft fly at threatening low-altitude on the scene of humanitarian relief operation?
- Japan claims to have complied with international law - is it true?
- ROKS (The South Korean) Gwanggaeto the Great did not illuminate the Signal” Tracking and illuminating Radar (STIR) toward the Japanese patrol aircraft.
- The Japanese patrol aircraft’s communication was unclear.
With regard to 1):
P-1 is not a fighter aircraft, and it cannot make unpredictable movements such as a sudden turn, a steep descent, a rapid rise, etc.
It is clear that the Japanese aircraft was taking enough distance and altitude from the video released by Japan. There is no low-flying flight like 'threatening' that South Korea asserts. Moreover, there was no offensive element in the actions of the Japanese patrol aircraft.
An aeronautic professional explains no danger in the way Japanese patrol plane P-1 flue in contrast to South Korea’s claim for threateningly low-altitude flight.
"When the P-1, about 38m in length, is 522m ahead, it appears to be the same size as the 7.3 mm object 10 cm ahead, that is, in theory, it should have looked like only " a bean-size."
Cited from: Vehicle News. In Japanese Radar irradiation of Korean ship, was it really a "threat" to the sea patrol P-1 patrol aircraft? Validate. January 9, 2019. archive
An image from the South Korean Ministry of Defense’s movie. The patrol aircraft is tiny even in the film released by South Korea and seems not at a distance that is very dangerous or altitude. I wonder if South Korea could show an image from an optical camera that they at some points claimed they were using to track the aircraft.
So why didn't South Korea destroyer contact or communicate with the allies' Japanese patrol aircraft then at all if it felt threatened?
Three times of photographing the South Korean destroyer (April 27: approaching distance of about 500m at 150m altitude. April 28th: Approximately 500m distance at 150 m altitude. August 23: Approximately 550m distance at 150m altitude) did not raise any problem from South Korea. Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft, Reference Material
With regard to 2) Japan claims to have complied with the international law - is it true?
South Korea probably wanted to counter the fact that Japan was flying according to international law.
As shown in the Japanese video and said in the South Korean video, the Japan SDF was acting within that regulations although the laws exempt military aircraft.
The Japanese Ministry of Defense considers Korean’s throwing this question as an attempt "to dilute important issues concerning firearm control radar irradiation." I agree.
Regarding 4) "The Japanese patrol aircraft’s communication was unclear.":
South Korean destroyer at least heard the inquiries from the Japanese P-1 patrol plan. Why did South Korea ignore it?
The report by the Japanese Defence Agency on January 21st says
“the weather conditions on site that day was sunny with very few clouds, and communication conditions were extremely good. In addition, the MSDF P-1 used the same radio communication equipment (it has been confirmed that this equipment was operating normally before, during, and after flight) used to call out to the ROK destroyer to communicate with on-land stations in Saitama Prefecture, and it has also been confirmed that an ASDF training aircraft flying at a location approximately 240 km away from the P1 heard the call out made by the P-1 to the ROK destroyer.”
It is improbable under normal circumstances that radio communication could not be clearly received in such good communication conditions, and in the footage released by the ROK, the call out from the P-1 to the ROK destroyer can be clearly heard ("KOREAN SOUTH NAVAL SHIP, HULL NUMBER 971, THIS IS JAPAN NAVY.") Considering this point, at the working-level meeting on January 14, the ROK explained for the first time that, upon repeated inspection of the call out from the MSDF P-1 patrol aircraft, it was later found that the communication personnel had misheard the radio communication. Prior to this, the ROK had never disclosed this information in its press conferences and had only explained that the destroyer did not respond because they heard "KOREA COAST".
Quoted from Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. January 21, 2019.
Regarding 3) “ROKS (The South Korean) Gwanggaeto the Great did not illuminate the Signal Tracking and illuminating Radar (STIR) toward the Japanese patrol aircraft.” :
South Korea at first claimed that the destroyer used all kinds of radars but ended with claiming the “search radar” only, which is still ambiguous.
Odd comments are included in this South Korean “movie”. That said,
If ROKS Gwanggaeto the Great had activated STIR against the patrol aircraft, the aircraft would have immediately executed avoidance maneuvers. But in a counterintuitive move, the aircraft approached ROKS Gwanggaeto the Great again. Why did Japan act this away? Japan will have to answer.
This statement suggests South Korean destroyer tried to drive out the Japanese SDF patrol aircraft even it is within Japanese’ EEZ.
The Japanese SDF airplane carried out the evacuation after receiving the radar radiation. During the evacuation, inquired South Korean destroyer about radar irradiation intention but received no response.
The video says "humanitarian relief" many times, but
- Despite the incident site is within Japanese exclusive economic zones, Japan was not notified even about a South Korean rescue ship. What was the reason for South Korean not reporting anything about humanitarian relief to Japan?
- What was the reason for not reporting about humanitarian relief even to the Japanese patrol aircraft that attempted to communicate?
- Wasn’t it the South Korean security rescue ship that conducted the rescue operation instead of the South Korean destroyer? The North Korean boat was floating near the security rescue ship. So what was the destroyer doing there?
- If you were doing relief activities, would not it be odd to ask the ally patrol aircraft for assistance?
Crew: There is no target information of WARS, right?
Crew: No information
Crew: We don's have information about Gwanggaeto-daewang either?
Crew: No information
Screenshots from the video released by the Japanese Defense Agency. There was no report information (WARS: Rescue and salvage ship) on South Korean Sam Bong nor on Gwanggaeto the Great destroyer, which later claims to have been engaging in a humanitarian rescue operation in the exclusive economic zone of Japan at the time of the incident. Is humanitarian relief in exclusive economic zones of other countries usually done in such secrecy?
South Korean’s video can only confirm that South Korea has no new verifiable facts.
There is no public comment from the United States at this point, but Japan and the US share information and grasping the facts.
I wonder how Korea interprets America 's standing quietly.
- Japan Ministry of Defense. In English Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. January 21, 2019.
Korea’s Further Drift
🇰🇷 We will release the video in Chinese, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. Japan should stop mentioning any further problems and needs to apologize to South Korea.
🇯🇵 Who are you trying to discuss this problem with?
I cannot understand why South Korea releases the video in 8 different languages, but only for propaganda.
I am afraid that the South Korean government practices the "adverse logic" - justifying their current wrongdoing by bringing in the Japanese past. Under the "adverse logic," not to admit wrongdoing toward Japan is more important to build trust with Japan.
South Korea now is as though giving itself to a monster of the resentment feeling.
The Last Wedge
On January 10, Korean president Moon Jae-in mentioned the incident in his new year speech.
🇰🇷 <Representative of South Korea (President Moon Jae-in)> The incident is not a problem created by the South Korean government. It is a problem born due to a past unhappy, long history. I hope the Japanese government takes a more humble attitude towards this problem. It is not a prudent attitude for Japanese politicians and leaders to politically argue and to spread it as controversial seeds.
🇯🇵 It is a serious danger that you cannot admit your wrongdoing by telling a history. Your statement tells that South Korea embraces the "adverse logic".
On January 14, four days later, the working-level meeting was held in the third party country (Singapore).
🇯🇵 Let's make a joint, reciprocal judgment by sharing the information of the radar wave detected by Japan and the fire control radar-equipped in the South Korean destroyer.
🇰🇷 You are so rude!
🇯🇵 I cannot understand why you say so.
Japan proposed to exchange radio wave information of radar to clarify the fact and asked South Korea to prevent recurrence of the incident. However, South Korea called it rude and the discussion ended in parallel again.
“In this light, at the working-level meeting held on January 14, 2019, the MOD (Japanese Ministry of Defense) proposed a joint verification of data based on the principle of reciprocity, by comparing the factual evidence of the incident such as the detected radar waves and its sound conversion, to the ROK (Republic of Korea, in other words, South Korea) radar's capabilities and record of use. However, this proposal was rejected. The MOD had made a proposal of the same intent during the working-level meeting held on December 27, 2018. In addition, the MOD also brought the data of the sound conversion of the detected radar waves, as evidence to contribute to the verification of facts, to the meeting on January 14 and proposed to have the ROK listen to it there, but this proposal was also rejected.”
Quoted from Ministry of Defense.
Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. January 21, 2019.
If we leave the incident without a preventive measure, the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force will be forced to maintain high-security alert during the patrol duty of the Sea of Japan from now on. Investigating the cause and preventing recurrence is a national security issue for Japan.
Yet, South Korea said Japan's request to clarify the facts as extremely rude and rejected the request.
Rude in Japan means the one-sided attitude demanding apology shown in the movie scattered by the South Korean Ministry of Defense.
- Reuters. In Japanese 韓国大統領、徴用工の判決尊重 日本は政治問題化すべきでない [South Korean President says Respect the Judgement on the Problem of Wartime Laborers and Japan should not politicize the problem]. January 10, 2019. archive
- Japan Ministry of Defense. In Japanese 日韓実務者協議の実施のお知らせ [Notice of working-level meeting between Japan and South Korea ]. January 14, 2019.
- Sankei Digital. In Japanese 韓国、駆逐艦レーダー情報開示を拒否 「非常に無礼な要求」と日本を非難 [South Korea refuses release of destroyer radar information and blames Japan for making “very rude request”]. January 15, 2019.
- NHK. In Japanese 防衛省 「日本が無理な要求」との韓国発表に抗議 [Japan Ministry of Defense protests against South Korea’s announcement on Japan as making “unreasonable demand”]. January 16, 2019.
- Yomiuri Online. In Japanese 海洋警察がレーダー」…日本側の「誤認」主張 [South Korea claims Japan’s misunderstanding and South Korean rescue ship’s use of radar]. January 10, 2019. archive
Toward Confrontation
Japan released sound converted Fire-control Radar Detection as a final hope.
🇯🇵 We are releasing the sound data converted from the radar wave detected by the P-1 patrol aircraft at that time. If you are professional with sincerity, you understand this sound record shows definite evidence of radar irradiation.
🇰🇷 We can not confirm the date, direction, nor the characteristics of the radio waves at all from this sound data. It cannot be considered the evidence.
🇯🇵 We regret, but it is impossible to clarify the facts based on mutual trust. Further bilateral discussion may not work.
🇰🇷 (oh, did you finally give up?) It is so regrettable. We urge you to respond to objective verification actively.
🇯🇵 Since the beginning, Japan has been requesting objective verification by sharing information, but you continued to refuse. We will proceed to the next level for fact-finding.
Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft From the reference page you can listen to the actual sound radar.
South Korea refuses to investigate the facts through the information exchange at the bilateral meetings.
Only mutual trust could help to solve the issue.
The Japanese Defense Agency has judged that negotiations on bilateral officials with the South Korean side are in vain.
Japan will proceed to the next stage to investigate the facts and prevent recurrence with evidence that can be apparent for a third party as South Korea demanded. The Japanese Ministry of Defense clearly states in the final opinion.
“Given that the ROK (the Republic of Korea, in other words, South Korea) side refuses to conduct an objective and neutral determination of facts, and it is unlikely that the truth will ever be made clear even if working-level meetings were to continue, the MOD (Japanese Ministry of Defense) deems that it has become difficult to continue to hold consultations with the ROK regarding this matter”
Quotation Japanese Defense Agency. Final statement regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. January 21, 2019.
This statement means that trust in the South Korean military is failing. At the end of the statement,
That being said, our stance remains unchanged in that the Japan-ROK and Japan-ROK-U.S defense cooperation is extremely important, and is indispensable in confronting security challenges such as the nuclear and missile issue in North Korea and maintaining the stability of the security environment in East Asia. We hope that this announcement will lead to the prevention of similar incidents in the future, and we will continue to make sincere efforts towards continuous Japan-ROK and Japan-ROK-U.S defense cooperation.
Quotation Japanese Defense Agency. Final statement regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. January 21, 2019.
What the ending of the final statement means is:
Japan will take action to make the defense cooperation between Japan and South Korea, and that among Japan, South Korea, and the US work properly.
More frankly to say:
For Japan's national security, we will not accept the current attitude of South Korea, and we will prove the facts of radar irradiation. Also, we will clarify what the South Korean destroyer ship was doing within the exclusive economic zone of Japan.
Can you believe that the first-class destroyer ship was dispatched only to rescue a North Korean fisherman's vessel in distress?
- Japan Ministry of Defense. In English Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft. January 21, 2019.
- Korea Joongang Daily. In Japanese 韓国軍当局「実体のない機械音で協議中断した日本、今後の検証に応じよ」[South Korean Military “Japan with no-evidential recorded machine sound stopped the discussion. It should respond to further investigation”]. January 22, 2019. archive
- Sankei News. In Japanese 韓国レーダー照射、水掛け論に区切り 再発防止、なお課題 [End of barren argument on South Korea radar irradiation, Still issue for prevention of recurrence]. January 21, 2019. archive
The danger of "Adverse logic"
Can we allow one to conduct crime against others by past historical problems?
History indeed proves its danger.
- Why did Great Britain allow the rise of the Nazis in Germany which was struggling with the compensation of World War First?
- Did the Christians justify the persecution for the Jewish people on the ground that it was Jews who requested to make Christ the crucifixion? Why did persecution of the Jewish people occur in Nazis Germany?
- Why did ethnic cleansing occur in Kosovo and Rwanda?
- How come ethnic cleansing is currently happening in Myanmar?
These horrifying histories and present situations resulted from "adverse logic" that justifies wrongdoing toward those who were alleged to have problems in the past.
We should not accept the "adverse logic" to justify immorality and lawbreaking.
The Hall of Names at Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem
South Korea Tests US
Why are the South Korean government and military top don’t admit the fact even they know that the US military received all the information from Japan?
In practice, what the South Korean government is doing is to test how the adverse logic would appeal to the United States. The Chinese government may be paying close attention to the response of the United States.
In this context, South Korea seems to shift its standing position toward China.
China seeks to gain a hegemonic power, it is not for sure they don’t direct its adverse logic to Western countries that colonized China in the past as they practice it to Japan.
Various Mysteries of the Presence of South Korean Destroyer in Japanese EEZ
Gwanggaeto the Great (KDX-I) that locked fire-targeting radar is one of the largest destroyers of South Korea.
The Korean police guard rescue ship Sam Bong is with a displacement of 5,000 tons and larger than Gwanggaeto the Great (3,900 tons of wastewater).
Did South Korea need the largest rescue ship and the largest destroyer to rescue a North Korean fishing boat?
How did South Korea know about this North Korean boat when there was no rescue information on the Japanese side within Japanese exclusive economic zones?
What on earth were these South Korean ships doing in the exclusive economic zones of Japan without putting up flags and notifying Japan?
The Japanese Ministry of Defense says "we will continue to make sincere efforts towards continuous Japan-ROK and Japan-ROK-U.S defense cooperation" in the final statement.
However, the FC radar radiation toward the Japanese patrol aircraft could not be operated without the consent of a high-rank officer on the first-class South Korean destroy. If South Korea cannot take preventive action, Japan can't trust them.
This incident suggests that South Korean government practices the adverse logic and tests the US of its response. Japan should not compromise with the adverse logic for the free world.
It is sad that both Chinese and South Korean governments have been playing with the resentment feeling toward Japanese for political games. I pray for their people to withdraw from the adverse logic and to bring their countries to a brighter direction.
China confronts with the United States, Russia coexists with China to fight with the US, North Korea has not responded to the abandonment of nuclear weapons. Now, the top political and military leaders of South Korea are paralyzed.
Japan is urged to face a new reality.