It seems like if there is a product out there that everyone needs, there is a subscription service that will send it right to your door. From food to razors, having subscriptions has taken on a whole new meaning to mean so much more than just magazines and newspapers. Being a college student, I have tried many a subscription service. From beauty boxes, food delivery services, or even my Amazon Student Account that seems to always remain. However, there is one service that I think is totally worth it and that is for something that may seem a bit odd; and that is Quip. What is Quip?“Quip was founded to prove that good design would have a bigger impact on oral health than quick fix gimmicks.”This electric toothbrushes journey began at a family dentistry practice in New York, and a suggestion to use “the cheapest electric brush available” to fight the major and very common problem of brushing too hard. In terms of subscription costs, you have a range of options from enough for 1 person, to…
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