You need to avoid copyright strike on your videos on YouTube in order to generate revenue. It may seem impossible to avoid copyright strike on YouTube. You will get a copyright strike, if your video contains audio from another YouTube video. If this audio plays on your video for more than 5 seconds, your video is taken down The general method to deal with audio copyright strike is: Change the pitch, bass and intensity of the audio. Prepare a remix. Modify the audio voice by mixing another tone…
In this time and age, it is very hard not to become addicted to one thing or the other. The addiction that is gradually sweeping the millennial generation like a widespread virus is that of addiction to the phone. Addiction can be substantially or drug-related. In the case of that of a phone, it is behavioral related. The funny thing about this is that a lot of people are not aware of their addiction status when it comes to the use of the phone. People don’t plan to be addicted; they just become…
In a world where being connected to the Internet is less of a luxury and more of a requirement for many, it is no surprise that the WiFi speeds are beginning to slow. As more and more people use WiFi and begin to overuse networks in highly populated areas the speeds will begin to decrease and the rate of annoyance among users will increase exponentially. Universities, restaurants, airports, even hospitals are beginning to notice that the load speed and connectivity is exponentially decreasing…
If you want your talents to pave a path towards a career, you have to put in due time and diligence to master a certain skill of your choice. I’m sure some of you have heard the saying, “It takes 10,000 hours to master a skill.” Though I do not believe this rule to be the case.
It is amazing what you can accomplish in a single day with effective and efficient practice techniques whether you are an artist, ballet dancer, or even a construction worker.
In this article, I'll be discussing the…
Sometime in the 1950s, a new form of media emerged when families bought a peculiar new device in the living rooms. Called the “television,” it used parts of theater and vaudeville, creating this interesting form of entertainment that was in the moment. It found a following despite what traditional theater said about the medium and is now the established powerhouse we see today. Fast-forward almost 70 years later, and we might be seeing something very similar. The only difference is it’s a highly…
2 words… 2 words and what was once known as a pound sign lit up the internet, was stoked by celebrities and ignited the world into discussing a topic that once was too taboo to even speak behind closed doors. Though this movement has proven to make major waves in the world of the celebrity - with the big name arrests of Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein - what is happening for everyone else? What about the everyday woman without the money, power, and influence behind her?The first time I was…
It is time we faced the music, Internet fans: We broke everything. Social Media was a mistake. None of us are close to understanding how or why, but apparently we have created a monster. Social media seemed harmless enough when it came along. Social media was nothing but an extension of the exact same Internet we'd had for decades. Believe it or not, there is very little difference between modern Reddit and Usenet circa 1990. There's also very little difference between modern Twitter and an AOL…
Ever since the Internet came into inception, blogging and sharing online came quickly after. The Information Superhighway is full of websites where you can post personal blogs, recipes, novellas; ranging from fiction, nonfiction in almost every genre you can imagine. WattPad is no different. But there is one significant difference, however: Wattpad has become a platform for creators. Much in the same way YouTube has, WattPad in its short history has already launched the career of a young writer…
Hi, I'm "Penguin"
Pete Trbovich, and you overthink SEO! That phrase is a tag on my own blog, for the occasional content marketing post. Really, I don't measure my expertise by my own website's ranking; I'm a freelance writer for the web who only needs a website as a virtual business card. Instead, judge my SEO expertise by the writing I do for clients - linked from my site on a regular basis. In 20 years of freelance writing for the web, I have had the same argument with the majority of clients.…
Hi, I'm Penguin
Pete Trbovich, and you
overthink SEO. You overthink SEO because everybody has told you that Search Engine Optimization is the only kind of marketing in the entire universe. SEOSEOSEO! Just churn out text copy for the Great Lord Google, because Google gobbles keywords like a goblin. Seriously, why do we even make media visible to human beings? Why do we even have an Internet? They should just have it set up where every morning we all take a bucket of keywords and walk it to Google…
Are you an eCommerce entrepreneur depending upon content marketing to gain exposure for your product or service on the web? Do you want to know the secret of having your site rank high on Google? Do you want your website to shoot to the top of a Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page) like greased lightning? If you answered "yes" to all of the above questions, TAKE A NUMBER, because everybody in the whole wide world answered "yes" to all of the above questions too! No, but really, SEO content…
This is Diogenes
the Cynic. He is known for having roamed the world, lantern aloft, on a lifelong quest for just one honest man. (Spoilers: He never did find one by his definition.) Besides that, he was one of those classical philosophers and public intellectuals whose standard delivery represented our modern concept of "performance art" or "stand-up comedy." He was a tart social critic and overall sourpuss. He is, however, credited with helping to found the seeds of stoicism, one of the most…
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