Have you ever wanted to procrastinate but that pesky proper education that your responsible parents drilled into you is getting in the way? Do not worry young grasshopper, just follow the vague guidelines displayed in this poorly written article and you too may one day be a useless addition to society, a parasite feeding off relatives you managed to convince that you are going through “a rough patch” or that you are on “an internal journey of self-discovery”. Do not worry if that little voice in…
We live in a competitive society that pushes every individual to become the best that he can be and contribute to the economic rise and social recognition of their respective countries through hard work and innovation. That sounds like real progress in a forward-thinking global community, but not everybody is game. There are certain individuals that oppose this progressive mindset and decide to go against the flow of modern, headway thinking. I am not going to state opinions about this whole…
What does it mean to be a winner or a loser? Our topic today is looking mighty deeply into the goals of life itself. Bear with me! 123Ish author Dominus took a crack at the concept trying to tie down "The Loser Mindset" - But really, what constitutes winning and losing in today's society? There used to be goalposts, but now they've moved. Just recently, NY Magazine pondered why so many Millennials now seem to identify as Socialists. When the story posted on Reddit, commenter Sam474 rang in with a…
The year is 2018, but for some reason I still feel as if I’m trapped in 1918. I am a woman working three jobs and pursuing my master’s degree on a track towards my Ph.D.; and yet for my family, somehow that still isn’t good enough. When I go home I am hit with a barrage of questions: “When are you going to stop and settle down? Men don’t like it if you are too smart, you know.” “You are not going to be able to have children forever you know, the clock is ticking!”
“Aren’t you dating? I know some…
I recall the first time a guy thought he had some unspoken right to my body, as he tried to force me into bed with him. I was able to get out of the situation before it escalated, but that moment haunted me for years. I was angry with him, but my anger did not come close to the shame I felt. I blamed myself, though the situation was entirely out of my control. I did not tell anyone about it for almost eight years
Instead, I let the shadows of shame creep in and set up residence. I began to have…
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