- If you can do it today, then you can definitely do it tomorrow or some other time as well;
- You are not lazing around, you are conserving your energy for that special task that destiny has prepared for you;
- You do not need to work to improve yourself; you were born with a special gift, although you don’t know what it is; but you definitely have it, like, for real;
- The knowledge that you gain from watching sitcoms will come in handy one day;
- Your room is the holy sanctuary which houses the miracle that is you; your mom or girlfriend has no authority within these four walls; you reign supreme;
- You are not mindlessly browsing the internet, you are adding valuable information to the encyclopedic knowledge that you already possess;
- Taking a shower on a daily basis is merely a suggestion propagated by people with a social life; you are different, so your hygiene standards should reflect that;
- wearing pajamas for four days straight is totally acceptable; you are fashionable and sadly, misunderstood because you are ahead of the times;
- pressing deadlines are a concept invented by psychotic people with a stick up their bottoms; dude, relax and just let success come to you;
- Work dulls the mind and destroys the body; you love yourself too much to do that;
- Sometimes you have to go to work(it sucks, I know) but you will not toil away until your spirit is broken; you go against this by refusing to be a slave to the system; you are basically a revolutionary sticking it to the Man;
- Work is boring and an insult to your intellect; it would be better to spend your time unwinding from this strenuous activity for a while; let’s say, for the next 2 months or so;
- The greatest procrastinator in the world once said: ………...; well, nobody knows what he said because he was alone in his room;
- The professional procrastinator will do today what needed to be done urgently 4 months ago;
- The assignment you “forgot” to do today is helping your employer remember to not bother you with trivial matters;
- If you feel the need to work, just sit down somewhere and wait for it to pass;
- That level 15 Paladin is way more important than feeding your dog; don’t worry, eventually, the hunger will turn him feral and he will escape to the streets, indiscriminately biting everything that looks like food so he’ll basically be fine;
- Your purpose in life is to be happy; why spoil that by adding responsibilities to an already perfect recipe?
- Don’t worry about problems; they have a tendency to disappear or be solved by somebody else if you have the patience and self-control to not get involved;
- Remember my friend: you are like water, constantly looking for the easiest path to follow, flowing around problems;