It is a very interesting and important question to know the niche that you are going to work on for years to come. I personally prefer you to shortlist some of the niches and then, jump into one of it which you find best for yourself. Keep in mind that you always will have content to post in the niche which you have selected for your blog. The niche that inspires you and that you like is going to be very lucky for you. Do not take too much time deciding which niche you should choose. Explore different blogs and then it will be easy for you to choose the area of your expertise. It is not recommended to choose the same niche that you chose in freelance writing. There is always the space to specialize in other expertise and draw more clients from the diffferent area of expertise. Your content should be well-versed and you should have considerable knowledge of the background of that expertise. Prepare your mind and make a plan. Do not fear your area of expertise and the money that you have invested in domain registration and hosting. Learn about dealing with anxiety by performing a web search. Keep in mind that you are a beginner and you have still got a lot to learn and implement. Take your time and do not fear your time or anything. It's natural and you do not need to waste your time thinking about useless things. Keep in mind that this a business and you have to risk everything from time to money and everything else. The more specific you are with your niche, more chances of success there are. Keep getting updated information and more knowledge about your area of expertise. Never forget to network with people belonging to the same area of expertise.You have to work towards everything that is necessary for your online business. No problem, if the niche that you love is not so common or common among only a few people, you can work to make that niche common on the web and therefore, all across the globe. Consult the people who have been working in that niche for several years. Each niche is different from the other and each blogger is different from another blogger as well. So, love your niche and spread your ideas in the way they should be spread among the people. learn about the demand and expectation of people who are always searching the content in that particular niche and try to make them happy through your blog. I do not think that niche really affects the blog performance as long as the blogger has put enough time on the blog. Make sure that blog posts of your niche do not get listed in spam. Becuase, some niches are often marked as spam in the email section. So, you have also to work towards this thing. Do not expect to change your niche or anything such. Be consistent with the niche that you started with. Search for the popular niches and check that whether your favorite area of expertise is among them or not. Think thrice about the niche that you are going to start with and make a proper mindset to start with that niche. You will fall in love with your blog and your niche within few days. So, keep up the work and start your work today. It is good to relate two niches in different blog posts, but keep in mind that more specific your content is, the more increased chances of your success. Make the list of first 50 topics that you going to post on your blog. The content should be controversial, a bit of different content, argumentative, and provide the reader opportunity to learn a lot of new things that they have never heard before. If you are feeling difficulty with your particular niche, do some research as long as you are fully satisfied with your niche and the content that you are going to offer to your clients. Work for the readers and work to improve the specific area of your expertise to make it a better experience for the readers and do every tactic that enforces search engine to rank you up. Do not forget to do something special in your area of expertise. See what is the demand and what other bloggers are lacking hat you should do in the particular niche. Also, check out that what is the most viral and popular thing about your niche. Do not forget to write about that. Target only specific audience otherwise, all of your time will go wasted. Check out the social media platforms and video sharing platforms such as Youtube for your particular niche. Keep enhancing your knowledge about particular niche and also, be aware of the different trends.