- Estimate your Budget: Save some extra money prior to holidays for your desired journey. It is also important to spend money wisely during the journey. So that you can get more fun and enjoyable to the extent that you want to.
- Find the best accompany to travel with you: Find a good accompanies to travel with. A good friend can help you enjoy the way you want to. A good accompany can make you feel more secure financially. A good accompany can make you laugh throughout the journey. It's up to you to decide, which person is going to make it a memorable journey for you.
- Be much considerate of the time: Being considerate of the time will make your journey easy. Do not spend too much time on your favorite spot. Otherwise, you may feel desperate to visit other places, but there will not be enough time. Spend appropriate time in all of your favorite spot.
- Get information about that place: Before visiting any place, it is better to get aware of concerns and other things from the local residents or by doing some research on the web. If you do not have enough information about any place, then you might get into trouble. Make your journey safe by taking small steps and in a wise manner.
- Understand the security risks for that place: Security may be the top concern of the place that you are going to visit. Do not forget to get all the necessary documents with you, so that you might not get into trouble during the journey. Avoid visiting strange and less populated places after darkness; otherwise, it might get you into some serious sort of trouble.
- Start-off early: It is better to start-off as early as you can. It may sound boring or irritating to you to start-off too early. But that's the choice if you want to enjoy to the maximum
- Do not travel every day: Travelling every day may exhaust you and make you tired. You may get sleepy or worn-out in the evening if you prefer to travel daily. In my opinion, it is not a good choice to travel on daily basis. You should enjoy the moment that you have got, and avoid any ride for some time.
- Make friendships with strangers: Strangers make the journey beautiful. Introduce yourselves to them. You may hold a discussion with any trustful stranger during lunch or rest time. Ask them for help without any hesitation. They are there to welcome you and make your journey even more beautiful. They will also love to talk with the person who has come to visit their place.
- Always Smile: Do not stress it out. The journey may become very boring at some stage. But it is ok to keep proceeding and go away with any light trouble that you encounter. A smile will give a positive impression to the local residents. It should be part of your journey. Your smile can also make them smile.
- Spend according to the budget during the journey: Some people make the big mistake during their journey that they do not spend wisely. They spend too much on travel, meal, or any amusement. This makes it difficult for them to enjoy the other things that they have come to enjoy. Never forget to spend according to the total amount of money that you have got to spend. It is very important to be considerate about every penny during the journey. There may be some amount left in your pocket after the journey, only if you spend in a wise manner.
- Never Risk Your Life: Some travelers just go and make it happen. I can understand the passion that one may have during the journey. But, there is nothing more important than your life.Some people do not find it strange to risk their lives during the journey.