My skincare journey has been a struggle since day one.
From pills to creams, if it’s got acne-fighting in the title or is marketed as an acne cure, then I have probably tried it. After years of not finding anything that made the acne totally go away, I settled for a product that just made my acne manageable.
This all changed about two and a half months ago.
Now I will not say that I am not a social media platform user, but up until this point I had never clicked on a Facebook ad - because frankly, I thought they were all just clickbait sites. You know the ones, the ones that have some bright, vibrant videos that show almost impossible skin clearing results. But after doing some research and following up with some friends, I decided that maybe this was worth the money. That product being, Curology.
Background on Curology
Here is what the company website has to say about Why Curology?
“While practicing in suburban New Mexico in 2013, Dr. David Lortscher was having a routine follow-up appointment with a 22-year-old, Rachael. She'd been suffering from acne since she was a teenager, and she'd tried almost every acne product under the sun, with little improvement… Dr. Lortscher brought in his technologist brother, Glenn, and their mother, Dr. Nancy Satur, in hopes of building an online team where they could care for people remotely just as effectively as they cared for people like Rachael in person. They built the facility to make the customized skincare, and they created Curology's secure, proprietary web-based technology that allows for personalized attention online. Today, Curology employs over a dozen full-time providers, who work together to bring professionally guided acne care to tens of thousands of people who wouldn't otherwise be able to access it or afford it.”
This is what made me want to jump into this venture.
The fact that it was user driven and not just a generic product for generic problems really gave me hope that this actually might work. So after filling out a quiz, I was matched with a provider and given a free trial to test it out before signing up for the regular subscription service. Frankly, up until this point it still seemed a bit too simplistic to actually work, but as I am a college student I never turn down a free trial so I figured it couldn’t hurt to try it out.
Week One
My free trial arrived on a Monday and I used it that night. My regime as provided by the dermatologist who developed my cream said I should use it nightly - applying a thin layer and not to wash it off. So that’s what I did. I washed my face with a regular clarifying cleanser and then I applied the cream and went to sleep; leaving all of my other creams and formulas aside. At first, the effects weren’t super obvious - other than my skin becoming smoother and softer feeling than it ever had before.
Week Five
Honestly, the only words I can use to describe my skin is shocked. I went from having cystic, red, rosacea acne and rough patches on my skin to having smooth nearly clean skin in a little over a month. I have slowed down now to only using the cream 3-4 nights a week because I noticed my skin actually getting a bit oily; however after I adjusted the usage I have experienced no issues and my skin is better than ever.
Where I am now…
After almost 2 months almost all of my cystic acne is gone and my nose has almost completely cleared of blackheads. Something I had thought months ago never would be possible.
Final Thoughts
Now I am not going to make a blanket statement about how everyone who suffers from cystic acne, blackheads, and a bit of rosacea should drop all of their current products and replace them with this cream - do your own research first. I made sure to check out youtube, influencers, and friends who had similar skin concerns to me and made sure that it didn’t have any chemicals in it that I already knew affected my incredibly sensitive skin.
So at the end of the day, I do endorse this product, but as with everything, do your research and hopefully, you can join me on the journey to clear skin!